Before a leader can successfully engage in the hard work of leading others, they must fundamentally know themselves and what they stand for-their values, their guiding commitments, and their promise to those they lead. In this one-day session leaders are given the opportunity to enhance their self-awareness, further define their leadership identity, and deepen their capacity to lead oneself (a precursor to leading others)
What's a beekeeper got to do with this?
A good beekeeper is first and foremost an enabler of the natural capacity of their bees to do their good work. Grounded in that fundamental philosophy, each beekeeper has a unique promise they make to the hive- how they will interact and behave in a way that is aligned with their personal values and true to the hive's purpose.
Who should attend:
Emerging and First level leaders, Team Leaders, Middle Managers
Duration: 1 day Class | size: 15 Participants
As a result of this session, participants will
- Understand the importance of taking steps to forge a leadership identity.
- Clarify and articulate personal values
- Specify behavioral examples of those values in action
- Check for values alignment, identify values gaps and actions to close those gaps
- Translate values into commitments of leadership
- Create commit to an individual Leader's promise
The hands-on, fast pace session includes:
Immersion into the world of bees and their keeper.
- An interactive hive tour guided by our expert keepers.
- Facilitated conversations to extract leadership lessons from the beekeeper and the hive
A step-by-step process to build one's leadership identity
- Context-setting discussion on the importance of effective leadership in a VUCA + world
- Value-clarifying exercise to discern personal values
- Individual reflection and peer coaching to identify examples of values in actions, to define leadership commitments, and to check for value alignment
- Guided activity to craft and share one's leader's promise
- Action planning to develop promise into philosophy